martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Natasha Tsakos' multimedia theatrical adventure

This woman starts talking how she loves movies and how she starts drawing pictures in her head to a story. It was cool to see how she made rooms instead of squares to draw her storyboard.

Then she starts like a mimic play with sounds and you can understand everything she is doing only listening. She don't need the actual furniture, people etc. She convine the sound with lights and graphics to complement her number.

The important thing is that we don't necesaarily need to talk to the audience to understand what we are trying to say. We can talk in different ways to people understand what are we saying without words

The video is very interesting so watch it :)

1 comentario:

  1. you are right ,i hadn't even thought about the story board until i read this, its a good separation from the common square and it isn't even that different, but i think you can actually visualize better the end product like this than if she had used normal squares.

