sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

More Brains

My team will be Diana and Marianela and we talk about what can we do for the last project of multimedia…

When we were in the second obligatory week of vacations we were doing homewok together and I show them this video:

So we start joking about more brains :P

Then we came up with the idea of doing a flash game about a zombie eating brains and saying more brains.

Our influence for this game is fly guy that is a game that you don't have a winner or a loser you only see what happens with the stuff that are flying. And when you finish the route fly guy is dancing with a monkey and a hawaiian girl. So we want to make something similar.

More Brains!

1 comentario:

  1. Nice! Love to see that you are willing to get all experimental :)

    Also I love the couple of things you picked as inspiration!

    We need to see a more develop idea soon though! Please update this entry with some sort of little sketch of what your environment/characters could be like...
