lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

The Future of Web Content

This entry is about something that wrote this guy Jeremy Allaire that is the founder and CEO of Brightcove. I feel like they are talking me in other language because I'm not that kind of facinating with making complex web stuff. But anyways… I'll write about this.

The first company of this guy (Allaire) and Macromedia made this a new plataform for web that uses Macromedia Flash Player and also you can have animations on your web page, very interesting huh?At that time so all the web pages had all this kind of animation, so the user interact with the web page in very different ways.

So in 2003- 2004 new flash players born and this cool tool could be used to watch videos online so You tube was born>

The powerful companies like Apple>

The question is what the hell will happen with html 5 and flash? Flash will die? I think it deppends on what you want to do… like if you want to do something with a video probably you will need to use both of them!

So now…what will be the new tendency? the mobile devices, like cellphones, ipads and all that cool and expensive stuff, like I said this decade is all about smart stuff :P So all the people that work on web related need to be able to make a web page for web page on mobile devices and apps.

I don't know if this blog entry have a sense at all… but like I said this kind of topics… are difficult to understand for me…

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

More Brains

My team will be Diana and Marianela and we talk about what can we do for the last project of multimedia…

When we were in the second obligatory week of vacations we were doing homewok together and I show them this video:

So we start joking about more brains :P

Then we came up with the idea of doing a flash game about a zombie eating brains and saying more brains.

Our influence for this game is fly guy that is a game that you don't have a winner or a loser you only see what happens with the stuff that are flying. And when you finish the route fly guy is dancing with a monkey and a hawaiian girl. So we want to make something similar.

More Brains!

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Dear Paco Melo

Watch this video and give me one extra point :P

Cheers and thanks


martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Natasha Tsakos' multimedia theatrical adventure

This woman starts talking how she loves movies and how she starts drawing pictures in her head to a story. It was cool to see how she made rooms instead of squares to draw her storyboard.

Then she starts like a mimic play with sounds and you can understand everything she is doing only listening. She don't need the actual furniture, people etc. She convine the sound with lights and graphics to complement her number.

The important thing is that we don't necesaarily need to talk to the audience to understand what we are trying to say. We can talk in different ways to people understand what are we saying without words

The video is very interesting so watch it :)