viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Magazine Art Direction for the iPad

After seeing this video I'm kind of craving for an iPad.

This video talks about the Art direction of e-magazines. I want to go to best buy grab an ipad and interact with a magazine!

So like the song video killed the radio star…e-magazines killed the printed magazine, but I rather printed magazines, because after reading you can make crafts with them :D

Anyway… is so atractive how magazines are creating stuff for the reader to interact with the magazine, I think that they want to make the reader feel more a part of this magazine, with all the "animations".

Also is very cool that magazines are giving job to people that work in web related stuff, so this is giving more work to people :)

In a future I want to read my Nylon mag on iPad :D

Here is the video :)

iPad Magazine Art Direction from Brad Colbow on Vimeo.

1 comentario:

  1. I dont think printed magazines will go away anytime soon however we will start seeing more and more digital enhanced content for the tecno friendly market
