jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

The Importance of Visual Literacy

So this is a conversation with Martin Scorsese. He starts talking about when he was a kid his always went to see movies, and watch television and how the visual literacy was happening at the time the director the writter and the cinematographer create a kind of intelligence that was trying to tell a story and they are focusing your eyes in how to see whats happening. An important instrument to made this were the lenses they use to film and the camera movement.

A quote that I think is very interesting is "How ideas and emotions are to express through a visual form". It's like a formula to make audiovisual stuff. Because is more easy to catch the attention of the people, and they will understand what are you talking about.

He also talks about violence in film and the power of subliminal messages but I found it a little bit boring.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

The Danish Poet

So today I think it was my favorite class of multimedia :P we saw short films about a lot of stuff, some of them were made by pixar, others by other people. The thing is we see different types of animation, like the traditional one made frame by frame with watercolor, or other made like a videogame. I will write about a short film that I felt in love in class today.

The name of this short film is The Danish Poet, at first I was not to interested in the short film, in the first minute, Marianela my classmate and friend told me "Is something you will do" and I was like yeah right. So when I saw house of the poet, I thought this will be interesting, because the drawing it was very simple, then the story is amazing I know its very cheesy but I just felt in love about all this short film.

I don't see nothing bad about this short film. I love the colors, the drawings, the story, the simplicity etc! I will love to learn how to make the outlines of a drawing move. (yes I'm obsess with this!) So I don't know what else to say, but Thanks Paco for this!

I leave this post with the short film! and a screen shot of the goats ♥!

Enjoy it! n_n